Gillette Venus Swirl Flexiball Women's Razor

alaTest hat 401 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Gillette Venus Swirl Flexiball Women's Razor zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.7/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.2/5 für andere Produkte. Die Tester mögen vor allem das Design und die Größe. Über das Preisleistungsverhältnis gibt es diverse Auffassungen.

Bedienbarkeit, Design, Größe

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte erzielt Gillette Venus Swirl Flexiball Women's Razor einen alaScore™ von 89/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 401 Bewertungen)


401 Bewertung(en)

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Zeige 1 - 10 von 401 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Österreich | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

Useful size razor


Still not as good as the male version and I can't get on with the balmy strip which suppose to help glide across the skin, it either wears away or clogs the blades. I like the way the attatchments click into place so you can use it immediately. Short...

Aug 2017

Kundenmeinung (



Very handy, does not miss any hairs and a good grip

Jul 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Great razor


Had few razors in my tine & this best one so far.. Its leaves your legs do very smooth

Jul 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Small and sassy


Great product for travel and on the go. What a neat design snappy and chic, small enough for your handbag don't go out without one.

Jul 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Amazing invention


Last year I had two operations on my leg to remove skin cancer, so shaving was a really daunting task to undertake. My daughter had a few of these and gave me one to try it was amazing, even now when I'm healed i ll only use venus because i have a dent...

Jul 2017

Kundenmeinung (



I have very sensitive skin due to psoriasis this has to be be the best razor out there for me as it does not upset my skin I love it and cant live with out it xx

Jul 2017

Kundenmeinung (



This product was a god sent for me!! Worked so well couldn't believe the outcome!!

Jul 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Hair free


the beat shaving product I have used in a long time

Jul 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Human Error is excusable!


This razor is fantastic - I must confess I did get rather miffed at first use - I thought it had missed a ton of hindsight? I'd just put too much shower gel on and the razor swirled around and I missed some...on second go it was squeaky...

Jul 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Venus Swirl


This razor is great! However, the refill blades themselves are a little bit pricey since there is nothing special about them, just the razor handle itself. However you can buy any venue razor blade and attach it to the swirl handle which makes it much...

Jul 2017

Preisvergleich für Gillette Venus Swirl Flexiball Women's Razor

No prices for this product