AEG L16830

AEG L16830
alaAverage 4.4

261 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 261 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für AEG L16830 zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.4/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.3/5 für andere Produkte.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 88/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 261 Bewertungen)



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Zeige 1 - 10 von 261 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Österreich | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


You can adjust the wash cycles. It's quiet. It washes well.

The dryer works well for "smalls" but not so good for larger clothing as seems to take forever.

Aug 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


Extremely quiet. Good results

Economy wash is rather slow (2hrs), Instructions for tumble drying are unclear (but it works fine).

Aug 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


Extremely silent except when you hit 1600 rpm and then the noise is because of the machine against the floor, not the actual machine ( fixed by putting a wedge between the top of the machine and work surface). Washes well

Long wash cycles, even for a regular cotton 40 degree wash, took nearly 2 hours- and then drying time....tried to dry a stack of clothes for half an hour--still had to hang them up as not very dry. Could dry for longer but after a 2.5 hour wash i...

Aug 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


Easy to use fast spin dual purpose

none really

Aug 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


All aspects except the one below.

The soap dispenser is rather shallow.

Aug 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


Quiet, lots of funtions, big wash load

No half load function Long cycle times

Aug 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


Good spin, effective dryer, easy to use.

Longish cycle time. Small drying capacity.

Aug 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


I chose this one because it was one of Which's best buys. It's very quiet, not much vibration, very good at washing (clothes are nice and soft), lots of different cycles including hand wash, good dryer.

There's no half load cycle, needs extra rinse selected all the time but that's easy, can only dry half a load at at time.

Jul 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


very easy to use with delicate cycles for all my 30 degree washes. i can fit loads into it so it reduces the number of times I have to wash. the delay time feature and the drying cycles are great and I use them all the time to set my washing to go...

it is quite big (sticks out a bit from the work surface but then the size inside is a great feature. the only other complaint i have is that it only came in white. other than that it is great.

Jul 2008

Kundenmeinung (

AEG L16830 1600RPM


Good range of options, incredibly quiet, effective cleaning, generous capacity.


Jul 2008

Preisvergleich für AEG L16830

No prices for this product