i-inc iF-281DPB Black 27.5" 3ms HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor 500 cd/m2 2400:1 Built-in Speakers

i-inc iF-281DPB Black 27.5" 3ms HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor 500 cd/m2 2400:1 Built-in Speakers
alaAverage 4.5

2 Tests

Jun 2024

Wir haben 2 Verbrauchermeinungen aus internationalen Quellen analysiert. Verbraucher stufen es mit 90/100 ein. Das durchschnittliche Testberichtdatum ist der 2011-09-14. Wir haben diese Testberichte mit 409209 Testberichten über Monitore verglichen. Letztes Update: 2024-06-02.


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Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)

Bought one for my wife to match mine.


I bought one for my self over a year ago and have been waiting for another sale like the one I got. Finally found it and bought one for my wife. You can't beat the price.

HUGE screen. High line count. Sharp picture (and my wife is very critical). Really reasonable price. No dead pixels in either of our two monitors

The only complaint is that since this is a re-certified product, it didn't come with the cables that my first one came with. It was also re-certified but apparently the supplied cable compliment has been minimized. Besides power, it comes with a VGA...

Sep 2011

Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)

iF-281DPB Black 27.5"


For the price at the time there was nothing as large and good.

Price and size, the fact that it does 1200 vertical rather than 1080 to give you more real estate. Better than IH282 and my old ViewSonic 27.5 that cost a bunch more

Not perfect, back lighting could be better. No easy to use Menu that uses keyboard and mouse, just 4 darn buttons to do it all, so setting it up is a pain

Sep 2011

Preisvergleich für i-inc iF-281DPB Black 27.5" 3ms HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor 500 cd/m2 2400:1 Built-in Speakers

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