GE Appliances 0.7 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave Oven

GE Appliances 0.7 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave Oven
alaAverage 2.7

16 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 16 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für GE Appliances 0.7 cu. Ft. Countertop Microwave Oven zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 2.7/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.2/5 für andere Produkte.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 54/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 16 Bewertungen)



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Kundenmeinung (



I purchased this item in August and in two months I need another one. First the glass plate broke after making some popcorn, then sometimes the thing just wouldn't work at all. Don't waste your time!!!

Mai 2009

Kundenmeinung (




Mai 2009

Kundenmeinung (

3rd one


I purchased one of these about 8 years ago and it was great and lasted forever. The second one I purchased lasted about 6 months and then the 3rd less than 3 months.. I was disappointed because its a great size and the first one was great..

Apr 2009

Kundenmeinung (

Wish I hadn't bought this


I purchased this microwave in Sept 08 to replace a 12 year old Sharp. The turn table stopped working after just a few uses, I bought the microwave just to heat things up, 5 minutes or less and for popcorn. So now, I have to stop the microwave and turn...

Feb 2009

Kundenmeinung (

Small but effecient


I purchased this microwave in Dec 2008, about a month ago.It actually works very well. It is very small in size. You can onlyfit a ten inch plate inside without it touching the sides. I would not recommend cooking in this microwave. Food burns...

Jan 2009

Kundenmeinung (

Poor Parts Service


The roller arm broke and when I contacted GE I was told the part was unavailable!! The part is easly broken (cheap) and the oven is unusable without it. GE service rep was not helpful and suggested I may find a used part at the dump!!

Jul 2008

Kundenmeinung (

I guess I'm lucky!


A previous reviewer said this unit only lasted her 3 months before it conked out.....I got almost 7 months before mine gave out....same thing, no clock display or anything else! I'm done with GE microwaves also!!

Jul 2008

Kundenmeinung (

Very Disappointed


I Purchased this microwave on 3/15/08. Use it mainly to heat up water to make tea and in little over 3 month (6/22/08) the unit shut off and never turn back on. prior to this unit I had a Sharp Carrousel that lasted me 11 years and still working I put...

Jun 2008

Kundenmeinung (

Good at first


I got this microwave as a gift around 4 years ago. Right now it'll work for 2 minutes or so and then totally shuts down as if I unplugged it. Although I didn't buy this one, I will never buy aGE microwave.

Jan 2008

Kundenmeinung (

4 stars


4 stars

Jun 2007

Preisvergleich für GE Appliances 0.7 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave Oven

No prices for this product