Infinity Systems Primus 250

Infinity Systems Primus 250
alaScore -1

5 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 5 Testberichte und Kundenmeinungen aus Zeitschriften und Webseiten analysiert. Am positivsten ist den Testern die Größe aufgefallen, das Preisleistungsverhältnis wird auch positiv bewertet.

Preisleistungsverhältnis, Größe


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5 Bewertung(en)

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Zeige 1 - 5 von 5 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Österreich | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

Infinity Systems Primus 250


I bought Infinity Primus II 250 made for European market less than one week ago, and I can say that I am impressed! The midrange are smooth, somewhat recessed which makes this speaker enjoyable for long listening. The highs are also good, but it can...

Mai 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Infinity Systems Primus 250


I bought a pair of Infinity Primus 250 speakers, and I ran an 80 watt per channel amplifier into them. When I turn the volume up, I blew a tweeter in one of my speakers. After I replaced that tweeter, I ran some test on my Infinity Primus 250 speakers...

Mai 2009

Kundenmeinung (

Infinity Systems Primus 250


Like the middle child, I suspect the Primus 250 is sort of the forgotten model of the line, but it shouldn't be. People often discount the importance of speaker placement and the size of the listening room when evaluating speakers, and I'm no...

Very well balanced high and midrange, sound good with all types of music from classical to jazz to rock. Unbeatable bang for the buck

A little light in the bass region for a large room

Aug 2006

Kundenmeinung (

Infinity Systems Primus 250


These speakers do not sound half as bad as a review below suggests. In fact these are pretty decent sounding speakers. I brought them home to compare them head to head with my Tannoy MX2-M speakers (very well respected in the $300-$400 /pair range). My...

Slightly warm sounding speakers with decent bass (depends on whether you like warm sounding speakers to bright speakers). Good soundstage for the size and price

Could be clearer (please don't get me wrong - I don't mean to say they are muddy in any way)

Mai 2006

Kundenmeinung (

Infinity Systems Primus 250


A nice pair of speakers for the price. Smooth open sound, nice highs and midrange. Go surprisingly low if driven with a top quality amp. I have mine hooked up to a Krell intergrated via Audioquest type 4 cable, and these speakers do just fine. I have...

they will play loud and play clean. If somebody says different, some component or cable in the component chain is the problem, not these speakers

No deep bass. Mid bass is good. What do you expect from such a speaker? Buy a nice sub to go with them

Dez 2005

Preisvergleich für Infinity Systems Primus 250

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